Thursday, September 11, 2008

Honey bee!!!
Originally I wanted these writings to be early morning meditations on the subtle fibers that link everything together- the early morning hours, the wakefulness of the elderly, dogs dragging their owners out to the streets, the defiant glow of the Yum Yum lights. But this morning, as with last morning, I found that I was more simply waking up than watching things closely. There are a few things that are becoming familiar trail markers on my morning run. Somewhere between Alameda and the next light there are sprinklers that pretend to be a rushing river.

oh man....banks.

money money money MONEY.....mon-nay!!

ok, pooper, everyone's home, so this'll have to be the post for today.

love you pooper.
you did awesome with aerobics today, you little worker bee.

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