Thursday, June 11, 2009


This morning was perfect. Absolutely wonderful. From the moment I woke, but didn't get up, I heard you tap the snooze button on the alarm. You sat on the edge of the bed, and for a moment I thought that you might get up right away, that you might not crawl back under the covers,that you might not redouble the warmth of my body with the heat of your own. And I thought for a second, "Maybe it's better that she wakes up now. I don't want her to sleep in too late and not wake up for school."

But then you crawled back in, your back up against mine so that we balanced up against each other, overcoming the increasing dip in the center of the bed that we've made from sleeping so close together now for over two years. And I was ecstatic, overjoyed, happy as happy as can be, and dozed back to sleep, with the touch of my love up against me like the most beautiful blanket in the world.

And then your alarm went off, and you woke up, and shushed the little crickets cricketing from your phone, and sat once more on the edge of the bed, only this time with a resolve to wake up, to get ready, and to tackle the important day's work ahead of you. 

"I can do it, I can do it, I'll just put my heart into it," you said.

And I was so proud, so in love with your spirit, that I reached out and rubbed your back quickly, in an attempt to get blood moving, in an attempt to help you wake up, in an attempt to help make what ever my love desires to have happen come true. 

And it worked! You got up, headed toward the shower, with your entire outfit for the day bundled in your  arms, walked into the bathroom, shut the door, and on the other side of it I heard you turn the little lock- "click". And I laid down for a second and thought, "I could go back to sleep, and Caroline will take a shower, get ready, and probably leave before I even wake."

But at that last thought, the thought of you leaving before I could even wake up enough to walk you to the door, seemed terrible, when the obvious alternative was to wake up, jump in the shower with you, see your beautiful smile, your chompable cheeks, your shinin' teesh, and spend the morning with you before you left for school.

And as soon as that thought hit me I was up, and in the shower, and then making coffee, and then breakfast, and then watching you walk into the living room, towel perched atop your head, wrapped 'round your hair in a ball, and I couldn't have been happier. 

It was just simply a perfect morning. And in not so many hours,  I will come home and find you for lunch, and ask all about the little faces that you lit up with inspiration and joy.  Joy no doubt for the sheer brilliance of your smile, your sun-shinin' eyes, and all the love in the world that they bring. Inspiration from something as small as the scarf wrapped around your neck, colored pink and grey  and purple in an uneven splash of color and beauty, indicative of the same spirit with which you color all your art. 

You bring so much wonder, so much beauty, so much life into everything you touch. It's a wonder your closet doesn't simply spill out a rainbow or cascade a pool of bouncing light every time you open it. 

But then again, the magic and wonder of your clothes, as with everything about you, has less to do with the things themselves, and everything to do with the love you pour into them.

As one of those lucky things that gets to be in your hands, in your attention, and in your care,  I am alight with color this morning, and every morning, and love you more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more.

Thursday, June 11, 2009. Just a day. Not even, for it's yet to begin. Just a morning. But beautiful enough to make me stop and hear the birds outside the window. Enough to make me hear the crashing ocean wave in a passing car. Enough to make me love the satin rolling iridescence of the over cast sky, and to feel the cool morning breeze as refreshing as a cool mountain spring.

Thank you for the wonderful morning, for all of my joy, for loving me, for everything that I am, whether I shine or just glow faintly.

thank you thank you thank you.

I love you I love you I love you.
Thank you for making my morning beautiful, today, yesterday, everyday.
-your mister  

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